Curriculum & Raising Standards
Associate Members shall have full voting rights as part of this committee.
The quorum will be four members of the committee, one of which must be the Executive Headteacher or Head of School.
Frequency of meetings
The committee will meet at least twice a term (one data-led and another non-data) and will hold such additional meetings as are necessary. Minutes will be taken at each meeting.
Review terms of reference
These will be discussed and approved annually at the first meeting in the Autumn term. These will be taken to the Autumn term full governing body meeting for ratification.
Terms of reference and delegated powers:
The Committee is authorised by the Governing Board:
To investigate any activity within its terms of reference.
To seek any information from any employee, with all employees directed to cooperate with any request made by the Committee.
To obtain any outside legal or independent professional advice where it deems it necessary
- To appoint a chair and clerk at the first meeting in the autumn term unless one has already been appointed by the Governing Body.
- Review school performance against the targets set on a termly basis. To include:
- Fully understand both projected and actual results in terms of attainment and progressions across the whole school and compare these to national standards.
- Fully understand why targets are not being met or exceeded.
- Agree future actions in conjunction with the Headteacher, within targeted areas.
- Monitor and review these actions and agree appropriate next steps.
- Ensure that all governors are aware of the school’s performance
- Use this information to increase the effectiveness, accountability and impact of governor visits to the school.
- To monitor the implementation of any Action Plan resulting from external reviews of the school (e.g., Ofsted inspection or local school effectiveness partners) to maintain progress.
- To make recommendations to the Finance Committee on resources that are needed to meet the needs of the whole curriculum, and the sustainability of the non-statutory elements including the latest round of the DfE’s Catch-up Premium.
- To ensure that the requirements of children with special needs are met, as laid out in the Code of Practice, and receive termly reports from the headteacher/SENCO and an annual report from the SEND governor.
- To monitor the activities relating to the assessment and review of children with special educational needs and disabilities (including the application and implementation of Education, Health & Care Plans).
- To monitor the school’s publicity, public presentation and relationships with the wider community
- To ensure that procedures for educational visits are compliant with safety arrangements and that the welfare of staff, students and volunteers is secure.
- To consider all detailed matters related to the pupils’ education and social well-being, giving due respect to safeguarding.
- To ensure that those responsibilities laid down under relevant education acts relating to the conduct of the school and curriculum are being met.
- To ensure the schools’ websites are meeting statutory requirements.
- To monitor the effectiveness of the spending of pupil premium grant, recovery premium and Sports & PE Funding
- To monitor the attendance of different groups within the school.
- To monitor and review the following:
- Religious education and collective worship
- Race equality
- Sex and relationships education
- Pastoral care
- School meals
- School uniform
- Overall school organisation
- Pupil disciplinary matters
- British values and Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural provision
- The schools’ publicity, public presentation and relationships with the wider community
- Any other pupil matters as is deemed appropriate
- To ensure the school is meeting the requirements of the national curriculum
- To review the following policies and ensure appropriate arrangements are in place for:
- Curriculum (as per website requirements)
- Religious Education
- Equality
- Child Protection & Safeguarding
- Sex and relationships education
- Assessment, including arrangements for statutory assessments at the end of each key stage
- Attendance
- Behaviour & Anti-bullying
- First Aid & dealing with medical conditions
- Educational visits
- Pupil admissions
- To contribute to and review school evaluation
- To contribute to the school development plan and to ensure its production is in-line with school priorities.
- To consult with the Headteacher, staff, parents, the community and relevant bodies as appropriate in order to maintain an oversight of school improvement and evaluation.